Free Letters From Santa!

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Looking for some family-friendly holiday activities you can enjoy for free? Consider writing a letter to Santa!

There are multiple ways to make sure Santa gets your letter, but no matter which you choose, he’ll be sure you get a personalized reply!

Keep reading for all the ways you can reach Santa this holiday season.


North Pole Postmark Program


Parents, would you rather do the writing for Santa? You can get your letter marked with the official Postmark of the North Pole at no cost by sending your letter to:

ANCHORAGE AK 99530-9998

Be sure to include the return address SANTA, NORTH POLE before placing it into a larger envelope and sending it off with appropriate postage.

Free Letter From the Santa Claus Museum

In addition to being one of the leading sources on all things Santa, the Santa Claus Museum has been helping the big man in red answer the many letters her gets each year sinch 1914.

Join in on the tradition by mailing your letter with a return address to:

Santa Claus
PO Box 1
Santa Claus, IN 47579

Canada Post Santa Letters


If you’re living north of the border, you probably remember this one from your childhood!
Santa is still working with the Elves at Canada Post to make sure he replies to every letter he receives.

Grab a pen, here’s his official address:
Santa Claus
North Pole
H0H 0H0

Just be sure to include your return address so your letter doesn’t get lost!

Happy Holidays!